Must-try local food when traveling|Mexico・Singapore・Japan|Planet of Food
#food #Traditional #Sightseeing
”Planet of Food”は
制作:島津秀泰(Hideyasu Shimazu)、Kenichi Iwabuchi
ネコ・・・Madoka Kamiyama(マドカさん)東京都生まれ。小さい時からモノ作りの楽しさに魅了され、米国の大学にて工業デザイン学科を勉強し卒業。その後ニューヨークにてインテリア設計事務所、Herman Millerの社員として東京、シンガポールにて勤務。現在はシンガポールにて屋台で食べる「楽しさ」にはまっている。プライベートでは8歳の娘、夫はアメリカ国籍の日系ペルー人と愛犬とで暮らす。
アライグマ・・・Mayumi Chigita 長崎県佐世保市出身。アメリカ軍佐世保基地が近くにあったため、米軍関係者の友人に多く囲まれて幼少期を過ごす。海外歴は浅く、メキシコ ティファナに約1年半住んだのち、仕事の都合でフィリピンに約1年住む。フィリピン滞在ののち、すぐにメキシコに戻りメキシコイラプアトに在住(約2年半)日本に住んでいた際は機械設計士として勤務し
"Planet of Food
The more you know about the world's cuisine, the more fun life will be! is our concept.
We invite three housewives who live in various parts of the world
We invite three housewives who live in different parts of the world to share information about food and bring you cross-cultural exchange.
<The theme of this talk
・My local food
This time, we have
Cat・・・Madoka Kamiyama is from Tokyo, Japan. From a younger age, she’s always been fascinated by product design. She graduated from Industrial Design in USA. She worked as Designer/Specifier at Interior design firms in New York City and also with Herman Miller in Tokyo and Singapore. Currently, she lives with her wonderful family, an 8 year old daughter and supportive husband who is Peruvian/Japanese American and a rescued dog.
Robotic beauty.・・・Keikonee.As a researcher of sexy voices, she promotes the activation of female hormones by relaxing the minds and filling the hearts of women who are working hard while being at the mercy of a stressed society.She is also a sought after variety announcer at clubhouses. She lives in Ibaraki Prefecture, although she has a strong habit of doing so.Cooking is....
Raccoon・・・Mayumi Chigita Born in Sasebo City, Nagasaki Prefecture. Since the U.S. Sasebo Air Base was located nearby, she spent her childhood surrounded by many friends who were involved with the U.S. military. After living in Tijuana, Mexico for about a year and a half, she moved to the Philippines for about a year for work reasons. After my stay in the Philippines, I immediately returned to Mexico and lived in Irapuato, Mexico (about 2.5 years).
Currently, I am visiting customers and suppliers as a designer and sales representative of packaging materials.
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